Alzheimer`s research

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Prof. Dr. Dr. Jens Pahnke

Improving the condition of Alzheimer's patients

Professor Pahnke has been researching transport molecules in the brain and plant substances that activate these molecules for years. Transport molecules, (ABC transporters), are responsible for cleaning the brain. If you are impaired, increased, (plaque), deposits can occur.

In the course of his research, he succeeded in significantly reducing plaque deposits in the brain with special extractions of St. John’s wort and Greek mountain tea. The positive feedback from Alzheimer’s patients and their families is more than amazing.

“We also had cases where patients who no longer communicated with their relatives expressed themselves verbally again. Among other things, we were able to restore communication with his mother for a colleague from southern Germany. He was very happy about it.”
Professor Pahnke

Like all current treatment methods, these plant substances cannot cure Alzheimer’s either. However, according to Professor Pahnke, they can reverse cognitive impairments that have occurred in the last 6 to 9 months and keep the condition stable for a certain period of time. The progression of the disease is delayed.

Normalisation of everyday life = better quality of life

For Alzheimer’s patients and their relatives, this means a considerable relief in everyday life. The communication and thus the interactions could be improved. The patients were generally more active again and increased their radius of action, and fine motor skills were also improved. After 2 to 3 months it can be determined whether the combination therapy is working, unfortunately this was not the case for all patients.

Reduce the precursor of plaque deposits in the brain

So far, Alzheimer’s research has held the amyloid plaque deposits responsible for the disease. However, Prof. Pahnke points out that the amount of deposits is not decisive. Rather, he blames the precursors, (fragments), of the plaque that damage nerve cells. The removal of these beta-amyloid fragments was the focus of further research with herbal remedies.

Professor Pahnke investigated whether and how the molecules responsible for transport can be activated. He achieved by far the best results with special extractions of St. John’s wort and Greek mountain tea. The special 80% extraction, (St. John’s wort), or 40% extraction, (Greek mountain tea), is essential. Lower extractions are ineffective.

Report on Research Results

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Press release University of Magdeburg v. 9.12.2013 regarding St. John‘s wort extracts


“In the current scientific work, they can show that, in contrast to the 60% extracts often used in the treatment of depression, the 80% extracts significantly reduce both the soluble and the insoluble aggregates of the toxic Alzheimer’s protein beta-amyloid (up to -50%). This reduction also led to an improvement in memory and orientation functions. The basis of this improvement was not only the reduction of toxic deposits, but also the restoration of the number of nerve cells to the level of healthy people.”

Study: Greek mountain tea extract

Plaque vor der Anwendung

Before use

The typical Alzheimer’s plaque deposits are well recognizable in the mouse brain as small brown dots.

Plaque nach der Anwendung

After use

After 50 days of treatment with Greek mountain tea extract, (Sideritis scardica), the plaque deposits have decreased by 80 percent.

More on plaque deposits in the brain

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How are deposits formed in Alzheimer’s disease?


The amyloid precursor protein can be cleaved by two enzymes (γ-secretase and β-secretase). This creates a small fragment that can aggregate and eventually end up in large aggregates – the amyloid plaques.

These small precursors of amyloid plaques, the Αβ peptides, can flow through the brain matter between the neurons and prevent the formation of new synapses.


More on this in his lecture (Part 3)

Use in humans

Recent studies on humans show, according to Professor Pahnke, that the effect can also be verified in persons affected by Alzheimer’s disease. There are several patient replies on Prof. Pahnkes Website. You can read there: 

She had very serious memory problems […]. The long-term memory was not working at all; […] She was running away the whole day and wanted to go back to the old apartment that had long ceased to exist. She was saying things that she imagined which could be classified as delusional. […] By taking Renovare 500, her condition has improved rapidly. […] She gets dressed again independently and usually correctly. The walking and speaking difficulties are gone.

Play Video

Watch Prof. Pahnke elucidates latest treatment

In this video: Fascinating patient feedback from Joy P.. Experimentally best effect of extracts from Sideritis scardica and Hypericum perforatum. Recommendation/Dosage for use in dementia. Interaction of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) with medication. Improvement identified in patients. How important is it to start treatment early? What do patients report?

Based on the research work of Prof. Pahnke, there is currently a product available

Renovare 500

550mg small film-coated tablets, simple administration, active ingredients St. John’s Wort extract and Greek Mountain Tea extract, provider Ceretis, Prof. Pahnke recommends 4 – 6 tablets per day for therapeutic efficacy

If you want to try taking extracts of Greek Mountain Tea and / or St. John's wort, you should bear the following in mind:

Everyone reacts differently to herbal ingredients. In most cases, patients have been observed to stabilise. In some patients, the symptoms even improved. However, it is possible that, in some cases, there is no improvement.